60-Day Evaluation Overview

What is the 60-Day Evaluation?

The 60-Day Evaluation consists of two surveys administered by the Pennsylvania Child Support Enforcement Training Institute (PACSETI) following the New Hire Training (NHT) orientation. One survey is for the participant and the other is for the supervisor. Both surveys are to be completed 60 days after the participant has completed NHT. The participant survey asks how NHT has helped the employee on the job. The supervisor survey asks how well the employee is performing on the job following the training. Both surveys provide the opportunity to offer further feedback on the training.

How is it Assigned?

When a participant completes the NHT, the PACSETI Learning Management System (LMS) assigns the evaluation to the participant and schedules it to become available 60 days from that date. The participant who just completed the NHT receives the participant copy. The PACSETI LMS assigns the supervisor copy of the evaluation to the closest individual that the system can determine based as follows:

  1. If the employee has a supervisor, the LMS assigns the evaluation to the supervisor.
  2. If a supervisor is not found for the employee and a training coordinator exists, the LMS assigns the evaluation to the training coordinator.
  3. If a supervisor or training coordinator is not found for the employee, the LMS assigns the evaluation to the director.

If the LMS incorrectly assigns a copy of the evaluation to a supervisor or there is a more appropriate individual who should complete the evaluation, please contact the PACSETI Help Desk and provide the participant’s name and the name of the individual the evaluation should be assigned to.

For further information on supervisors, please see the articles found under the Supervisor Management category.

How Will I Know the Evaluation is Available?

The evaluations become available 60 days after the participant’s NHT orientation is complete. When the evaluation is available, the participant receives an email notification alert. The participant has 30 days to complete the evaluation once it is available. Every Wednesday evening, the participant receives an email reminder to complete the evaluation. This continues until the participant completes the evaluation or until the 30 days pass.

How Do I Access the 60-Day Evaluation?

Participants can follow the instructions for the participant copy and supervisors can follow the instructions for the supervisor copy.